Uc Berkeley Engineering Admission Statistics Scatter Diagram

Change of college

Admission via a change of college application is very competitive and highly unlikely, and students should not count on admission through this method. Through direct freshman and transfer admissions, we admit the maximum number of students possible each year. Students interested in studying Engineering at UC Berkeley should apply directly to the college as freshman or transfer applicants.Please note: Transfer students admitted to other schools or college at Berkeley are not eligible for change of college.

In this section

Change of college applicants should note that because most programs in the College of Engineering are heavily subscribed, seats in our courses are reserved for engineering students. It is difficult for non-engineering students to get a seat in many of our engineering courses. This makes a change of college application even more challenging, as one requirement for admission is completion of the prescribed engineering curriculum. Since availability in these courses for non-engineering students is very limited, it may not be possible to meet the minimum requirements for consideration.

If you're already a freshman at Berkeley, it's imperative that you work with the advisers in your admitted college to develop an academic plan that prepares you for completion of your intended or already declared major in your current college. Your plan may include courses needed for a change of college application to the College of Engineering, but they must simultaneously advance you toward completion of your current major. Students admitted to other colleges at Berkeley are encouraged to consider adding an engineering minor to the major they are pursuing in their admitted college.

Important notes:

  • The College of Engineering does not accept change of college applications for any of the following: EECS major, EECS/MSE joint major, EECS/NE joint major.
  • Students who are accepted via change of college to the College of Engineering cannot change their major or add a second major within Engineering.
  • The application deadline is firm. No late applications will be accepted.
  • The change of college decision is final. No appeals are accepted.

For more details about the change of college process, see our change of college application page.

COVID-19 update:

  • Please note that applicants for change of college for Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 can use any technical courses for their intended major that were completed with a Pass grade during the Spring 2020 semester. All Pass grades will satisfy requirements, including college requirements. However, applicants must have two semesters of letter graded technical courses listed on the change of college worksheet before they will be reviewed. Applicants who do not have sufficient letter graded work in technical courses listed on the change of college worksheet will be reviewed at the end of the semester in which they applied.
  • In addition, Pass grades will fulfill college and major requirements if completed Fall 2020 or Spring 2021. However, it is highly advisable for applicants to take all technical courses for a letter grade to demonstrate mastery in all of their technical courses. Applicants who choose to take technical courses P/NP may be less competitive.

Application periods

Students must apply no later than March 1 of their 4th semester of college enrollment (Fall Program for Freshman and Berkeley Global Edge can apply in their 5th semester). Applications may be submitted once each semester during a designated period:

  • Fall semester: the first day of instruction until 4:00 p.m. PDT, October 1 for admission to that same fall semester
  • Spring semester: the first week of instruction until 4:00 p.m. PDT, March 1 for admission to that same spring semester

We do not offer rolling admission, so regardless of when the application is submitted, it won't be reviewed until after the deadline. Late applications are not accepted. If the application deadline falls on a weekend, then forms may be submitted up until 4:00 p.m. PT on the following Monday.

Completed applications should be submitted for final review to an ESS peer adviser. A peer adviser will review your application to ensure completion of the forms and give your application to the Change of College team.  Peer advisers are available via the ESS Virtual Front Desk or via email at esspeeradvisers@berkeley.edu.

Decisions are emailed to students during the following windows:

  • Fall applicants: November 1-30
  • Spring applicants: April 1-20

Application criteria

We consider a number of factors when change of college applications are reviewed — including, but not limited to, whether the applicant would have been accepted had they applied directly to the College of Engineering as a freshman, completion (at a minimum) of the prescribed engineering freshman curriculum, enrollment in (or completion of) certain sophomore curriculum courses, the student's overall GPA in these courses, the number of technical courses completed at Berkeley (not at a community college or through AP/IB exams), number of technical courses completed each semester at Berkeley, space availability in the major to which a student has applied and the student's motivation for engineering as described in the personal statement.


Applicants for a change of college to a major in the College of Engineering must meet all of the following requirements to be considered:

  • Minimum technical (math, science and engineering classes) UC GPA of 3.4 for BioE and BioE/MSE, 3.3 for any Engineering Sciences major, and 3.0 for all other majors. You must meet the GPA requirement on the day you submit your application. Technical GPA consists of lower division course requirements as noted on the change of college worksheet. While other technical courses are not calculated into the GPA, it is expected that students demonstrate strong performance in all STEM courses. When calculating the technical GPA, grades for courses that have been repeated should be averaged as long as the original grade was below a C-. Do not use just the better of the two grades to calculate the technical GPA. Grades for repeats of technical courses in which the original grade was C- or higher should not be calculated into the technical GPA.   Except for coursework completed at another UC Campus, any coursework not completed at Berkeley is not factored into the GPA calculations, but should be noted on the worksheet.
  • Completion of two semesters of coursework at Berkeley (Fall Program for Freshmen and Berkeley Global Edge Program do not count as one semester).
  • Satisfactory academic progress towards completion of requirements for selected major. For all majors this means completion of (at a minimum) the freshman year curriculum for the intended major (which can be found in the College of Engineering Undergraduate Guide) and have in progress the requisite number of additional courses to be on track for that major.
  • Ability to complete the degree within four years or eight total semesters.
  • Transfer students are not eligible to apply for change of college into engineering
  • Apply no later than March 1 of your 4th semester of college enrollment (Fall Program for Freshman and Berkeley Global Edge can apply in their 5th semester).
  • IEOR applicants must complete two letter-graded math courses at Berkeley to be eligible to apply. This two-course requirement cannot be met with AP, IB or A-Level exam scores.
  • If applying in the third semester, have completed or have in progress the first half of the Reading and Composition requirement (R&C "A"), and the program planning form must indicate second half (R & C "B") will be completed no later than the fourth semester.
  • If applying in the fourth semester, completed the first half of the Reading and Composition requirement, and the second half (R&C "B") must be completed or in progress that term.
  • Effective Fall 2017, the College of Engineering will not accept change of college applications for any of the following: EECS major, EECS/MSE joint major, EECS/NE joint major.

Planning information

To plan adequately, please review the following websites and forms:

  • The College of Engineering Undergraduate Guide has detailed information on majors, including a semester-by-semester academic plan to complete your degree requirements. The departmental websites also have information about requirements, usually found in the undergraduate or degree programs section.
  • The humanities and social sciences page on our website explains the complete details on this six-course requirement.
  • The exam information on our website explains how AP/IB or A level  exams can be used to satisfy requirements for the College of Engineering


College of Engineering academic advisers are not available to meet with students interested in a applying for a change of college . However, College of Engineering peer advisers are available at the ESS Virtual Front Desk or via email at esspeeradvisers@berkeley.edu to answer general questions on the process. Please note that peer advisers cannot comment on any student's chance of admission, or assist with preparing an application. You are also welcome to submit questions to our change of college email.


For a quick question, send us an email or stop by and ask a peer adviser.

Source: https://engineering.berkeley.edu/admissions/undergraduate-admissions/change-of-college/

Posted by: marcmarcvoyere0272241.blogspot.com

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